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Dashboard In Odoo

Dashboard In Odoo

AdhithOct. 14, 2019

What Is Dashboard ?

The best data dashboards answer important questions about your business. Unlike advanced business intelligence tools, dashboards are designed for quick analysis and informational awareness.With the help of dashboard we can handle widgets.Some products that aim to integrate information from multiple components into a unified display refer to themselves as dashboards. Dashboard is present within point of sale,invoicing,project...etc to handle widget quickly. Dashboards allow you to take information that you need to look at frequently and put it together in one place. Odoo has a very flexible dashboard system. Each user has a personal dashboard. Initially, this dashboard will be empty except for some useful instructions on customizing your dashboard. Dashboard in Odoo are useful for visualization of data in a better way.


To add custom dashboard In odoo

We can use the dashboard module to quickly handle common widget.

In odoo11 we need to install dashboard before use it.

To install dashboard :




To add into dashboard:



Refresh the browser then click on dashboard.

We successfully placed sales order into the dashboard.


Thus we can easily add into our dashboard.


We can also add multiple items into the dashboard and access.



Dashboard in Odoo are also useful for visualization of data in a better way.


We can change layout by:

dashboard->change layout->

Then choose the layout.






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