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Functional and Technical Changes in Odoo 13

Functional and Technical  Changes in Odoo 13

IjasOct. 23, 2019

Odoo 13 Features

The most awaited version, Odoo 13 has been released.

As Odoo release its new version, there are new improvements done. It ensuring that Odoo ERP becomes a complete business suite for organization. In other words, it is to manage their business processes in more streamlined way. In addition to this, every year Odoo release new version by enhancing the module and features for every business. Odoo being a web based ERP helps organization with powerful module capabilities, so that one could look into ERP software. As a result, Odoo 13 functional changes and technical changes are the major trends in Odoo 13.

Moreover, users should be able to focus on what brings value to their business. It includes developing their products trying to find new markets or finding new ideas and so you do-not make your business growing by encoding vendor bills the entire day or recording your employees leaves but that is a task that you have to do so. That is to say the goal of new Odoo 13 version is to reduce the time that is spent on those activities so that the user can really focus on what matters.

In short, there are many technical and functional changes in Odoo 13. Let's have a look at it:

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ODOO 13 functional and technical changes

Firstly, New Apps

♥Field Service Management Referral App
♥Approval App
♥Skill Management
♥Employee Presence Control
♥Rental Management

2. Sales Coupons And Promotions Module

‘ Sales Coupons and Promotions Module ’ also now available for Odoo community version in Odoo 13 as a new feature.

Sales coupon and promotion


3. Website Form Builder

Website Form Builder also is moved to Community. As a result, we can create forms on various website forms. In previous versions it was only available for Enterprise.

website builder form


4. Skill Management Module

The module allows the user to manage the skills and also resume of their employees. That is to say, it is built upon the existing employee module.

Skill management


5. Skills e-learning and Skills certification module

skills e-learning and certfct


Skills e-learning(hr_skills_slides): This module add completed courses to the resume of employees.
Skills Certification(hr_skills_survey):This module add certification to the resume of employees.


6. MRP Subcontracting

Added Subcontracting BOM Type in Manufacture Bill of material.
For enabling Sub-contraction first goto Manufacturing -> Configuration -> Settings -> Tick the Subcontracting check box

mrp subcontracting


7. New Reporting on Repairs module

Odoo 13 reporting repairs


8. Buy Now Button in Odoo Shop

For enabling this button goto Website -> Shop -> Select any product ->Customize -> Enable Buy Now Button

Odoo 13 buy now button


9. New ‘ Forcasted Inventory ’ Report which shows forecasted Inventory for all products.

Odoo 13 forcasted inventory


10. Display product videos in eCommerce

Website -> Products -> eCommerce -> Add Media

product videos in Odoo 13


Odoo 13 product videos


11. Connect with Employee on POS. Any employee can work on a POS session, even if he has no user.

Point of Sales -> Configuration -> Point of Sales ->Login With Employees

POS employee in Odoo 13


12. Restricted Product Category in Point Of Sales.

Point of Sales -> Configuration -> Point of Sales ->Restrict Available Product Category

restricted product in Odoo 13


13. Options for applying coupons and also promotions from sale order.

Odoo 13 apply coupon and promotios


14. In Odoo 13 we can easily customize our documentation layout

Goto Settings -> Document Layout -> Configure Document Layout

Odoo 13 documentation layout


15. When compared to Odoo previous versions the setting dashboard has been removed from Odoo 13, everything is now directly combined in general settings.

Odoo 13 settings dashboard


16. Preference changed to My Profile

Prefence in Odoo 13


17. Navigate to access rights, groups, record rules in Odoo 13 from user form view.

Odoo 13 navigate to access rights


18. Odoo13 Multi-Company widget is a nice way to manage Companies so as to see records from multiple companies.

Odoo 13 multi-company widget


19. Leaves are changed to ‘Time Off ’ in Odoo 13

20. Renamed 'Delivery Method ' by 'Shipping Method '

21. HR Payroll is moved to Enterprise Edition

22. Display the serial and lot numbers sold on the invoices in Odoo 13

 Inventory -> Configuration -> Settings -> Traceability -> Display Lots & Serial Numbers on Invoices

Odoo 13 serial and lot number display


23. Option to deduct down payments on creating invoices ,only appears if needed.

Odoo 13 down payments


24. Employee Presence Control

Allows to contact directly the employee in case of unjustified absence.

employee presence contact


25. New Ribbon Widget

ribbon widget


26. Calculator Widget

 calculator widget


27. Point of Sales receipt design has been changed in Odoo 13

POS receipt


28. Some Important model changes that must be noted

  • account.invoice changed to account.move
  • account.invoice.line changed to account.move.line
  • changed to account.move.lin
  • account.voucher changed to account.move
  • account.voucher.line changed to account.move.line

Finally, 29. Decorators Removed

  • @api.multi
  • @api.guess
  • @api.noguess
  • @api.model_cr

In short, we hope you understood the functional and technical changes in Odoo 13. In addition to this, here we familiarize you about the Odoo 13 Roadmap and features.

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