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Google Adwords 2021

Google Adwords 2021

Anisha M JosephDec. 20, 2019

Adwords is the platform you can use as an advertiser to show your ads on the Google Search Results Pages. In simply, business & marketers  advertise on google's network or normal keyword search. Here business paying google to place their ads on google search.

There are mainly 4 types of ads you can run on google Adwords :

  1. Search Campaign Ads
  2. Display Ads
  3. Shopping Ads
  4. Video Ads

Keyword Search Campaign Ads



Display Ads

Example of Display Ads

Shopping Ads 

Example of Shopping Ads

Video Ads

Example for Video Ads

Now let us jump into google adwords and see how to launch your first campaign:

Here you can see the Google AdWords dashboard by login with

Now, let's have a deep into the following steps:

Step 1:

Visit −

Login-to-google-adwords account

Sign In with Ad words account, If you have already opened an account, you can skip this step and go straight to the next step.

In case you haven’t, the first thing you need to do is to go to the Adwords Get Started page and click the “Start Now” button.

Step 2:

From there you’ll create your account, and set up your first campaign.


Before we are launch our first campaign we need to know that, what product we need to promote on google Adwords. Select your campaign type and name.

Before that, In Tools, you will get an option to discover new keywords:

Here you need to click on discover new keywords>>Enter the keyword you are targeting in targeting countries>>Click Get Results.There you will get more relevant keywords along with the keyword volume and bid amount(that's the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad). You can set your ad according to your budget here. And based on that you decide what keyword to target and what product to promote:

Keyword finding in adwords


Now let's again go to campaign..

Here you will get the types of campaigns like, Sales, Leads, Website traffic, Product & Brand consideration, Brand awareness and reach, App promotion, Create a campaign without goals guidance. However , affiliate marketing are recommend website traffic. If you are looking digital online course then we recommend leads. If you want to Drive sales online, in app, by phone or in store, then we recommend sales. Here we are going with website traffic, there you will get the type of ads which we mentioned earlier(Search, Display, Shopping, video). Moreover, add the url of the page which you are going to advertise. Then Continue..

Types of Campaign in google ads

Step 3:

Here we can see General settings for campaign such as, Campaign name, Targeting and audiences, Languages, Budget and bidding:

  • Set Campaign name & Choose the geographic location where you’d like to show the ads.

new campaign for google ads

Step 4

Choose your “bid strategy,” and set your daily budget. Change the default “Bid strategy” to “I’ll manually set my bids for clicks”. This gives you more control and will help you learn AdWords at a greater level of understanding.

Set your maximum cost-per-click. Set your maximum price-per-click (called your “default bid”). However, realize this: Every keyword is theoretically a different market, which means that each of your major keywords will need a bid price of its own. Google will let you set individual bids for each keyword later.

Bid setting in adwords

Step 5:

Create your first ad group, and write your first ad. Here you can insert your keywords. Then save & continue..

Create your first ad group

Step 6:

More people click on ads when the headline includes the keyword they’re searching on. So use your keywords in your headline when you can.

You’re limited to 25 characters here, so for some search terms, you’ll need to use abbreviations or shorter synonyms. Here’s the short version of your ad template −

Headline: Up to 25 characters of text
2nd line: Up to 35 characters
3rd line: Up to 35 characters
4th line: Your display URL

Adwords-Campaign header creation in Adgroups


Final Ad view

View of campaign


Step 7:

Enter your billing information.

Enter billing information

google ads Payment view

final dashboard after payment

In short, we hope you understood, how to do the Google AdWords effectively.

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