In Odoo, it is possible to configure the bank account very easily. You can manage multiple bank accounts and credit cards easily and efficiently. A user can create, update or delete their bank account details in simple steps. In this blog, you could understand the creation, modification or deletion of bank or credit card accounts with the pictorial representation of each step. This blog will provide a step by step guide to understand Bank account management in Odoo.
1-Create a bank account
Go to Invoice>>>Configuration>>>Bank accounts>>>Create
Here you can enter the details like Bank account name, Account number, Bank etc.
Debit methods are used to specify the means of collecting money. There are two options, Manual and Electronic. Choose manual if you want to manage payments outside the software or you can choose electronic to use the common payment option available in Odoo.
Payment methods are used to specify the means of sending money.
2- Edit a bank account
The user can then edit the bank account later if needed.
To do so go to configuration>>>Accounting>>>Bank account
Then choose an account from the list and a new page will open. Click on the edit button to make the page into an editable format.
3-Deleting a bank account
Go to Configuration>>>Accounting>>>Bank Account
Choose a bank account to delete from the list of bank account and delete it from Action>>>Delete.
4- Customer/Vendor Bank/Credit card accounts
In order to create bank accounts or credit cards related to each customer go to Sales>>>Customers>>>Select a customer.
Under the sales&purchase tab, go to the payment section, and you can see a link to Bank account and Credit card.
To add a new bank account click on bank account link, then you can see all the accounts held by this customer.
Click on create to add a new bank account and enter the details like Account number, bank.
Then by clicking on credit cards, you can see all the credit cards held by the customer and you can create a new one.
In the above-mentioned ways, it is possible to configure Bank Accounts In Odoo effectively.Therefore Configure Bank Account In Odoo is very simple...