Sahdiya MammoottyNov. 20, 2019
In Odoo, lots and serial numbers have similarities in their functional system but are different in their behavior. They are both managed within the Inventory, Purchases and Sales app.
Lots correspond to a certain number of products you received and store altogether in one single pack.
Serial numbers are identification numbers given to one product in particular, to allow to track the history of the item from reception to delivery and after-sales.
Lots are interesting for products you receive in great quantity and for which a lot number can help in reporting, quality controls, or any other info. Lots will help identify a number of pieces having for instance a production fault. It can be useful for a batch production of clothes or food.
Serial numbers are interesting for items that could require after-sales service, such as smartphones, laptops, fridges, and any electronic devices. You could use the manufacturer's serial number or your own, depending on the way you manage these products.
By default Lots and serial numbers aren't triggered. To enable this features we have to enable
And then go to inventory module to enable lots/serial number feature.
Inventory module---->settings---->Traceability ---->Lots/serial number
Then click on the save button to save it.
Finally, you have to configure which products you want to track in lots.
Go into Inventory Control ‣ Products, and open the product of your choice. Click on Edit, and in the Inventory tab, select By Unique Serial Number, then click on Save.Here we can track that product by Serial Number.
Select by Lots,then click on save. Hence we can track that product by lots.
In order to process a transfer of a product tracked by serial number, you have to input the number(s). In order to be able to assign serial numbers to products with tracking features enabled you will first need to mark your transfer as to do. Click on the Mark as TODO button to display the Lot Split icon.
Click on the serial number icon :
A window will pop-up. Click on Add an item and fill in the serial numbers.
If you move products that already have serial numbers assigned, those will appear in the list. Just select those serial numbers. If there is no serial numbers created, click on the “create and edit” icon and then create serial numbers from there.
Traceability of a serial numbered products;
Which clear that serial number for a single product. So we can easily trace those product.
Lots are useful for products you receive in great quantity and for which a lot number can help in reporting, quality controls, or any other info. Lots will help identify a number of pieces having for instance a production fault. It can be useful for a batch production of clothes or food.
Odoo has the capacity to manage lots ensuring compliance with the traceability requirements imposed by the majority of industries.
The double-entry management in Odoo enables you to run very advanced traceability.
Application configuration settings are explained in the above section. Which is same as serial number application configuration.
In operation type configuration we need to set up how we will manage lots for each operation. In the Inventory application,
go to Configuration ----> Operation Types.
For each type (receipts, internal transfers, deliveries,...), you can set if you can create new lot numbers or only use existing lot numbers.
Finally, you have to configure which products you want to track in lots.
Go into Inventory Control ‣ Products, and open the product of your choice. Click on Edit, and in the Inventory tab, select Tracking by Lots, then click on Save.
In order to process a transfer of a product tracked by lot, you have to input the lot number(s).
Click on the ‘lot’ icon :
A window will pop-up. Click on Add an item and fill in the lot number and the quantity.
And traceability of lot.
I think, it is clear that about lot for a set of quantity.