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Odoo 12 google auto filling the fields in partner form

Odoo 12 google auto filling the fields in partner form

Neenu RobinJuly 24, 2019

google auto filling fields in odoo

Odoo 12 comes up with a new feature called Auto Populate Company Data. This feature helps in autocomplete company data. Now let us have a look into the google auto filling fields in odoo

To enable this feature go to General settings under settings.

Settings → General Settings → Enable Auto Populate Company Data.

autocomplete company data

While creating a new partner (Customer, Vendor) Odoo provides a list of matching companies. This module will display some company names by typing at least 3 letters.

display some company names

When selecting one item company data, logo and website fields become auto filled. The autocomplete feature is important to on-site search for multiple reasons. This feature avoids the extra work of downloading a partner logo from website and uploading it to the Odoo System.

autocomplete feature



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