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Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

ajay krishnaFeb. 26, 2020

The analytic account is one of the powerful tool available in Odoo 13. As the name indicates, it is an analytic tool for strategic management. Unlike general accounts, analytic accounts of Odoo is a tool for management. Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting is mainly for costing purposes. Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting uses businesses to track and also record for their budgeting and financial statements. It is a very flexible term present in majority sectors inside a company.

Moreover, Analytical procedures involve comparisons of different sets of financial and operational information. It is in order to see if historical relationships are continuing forward into the period under review. Analytic accounting is flexible and also easy to use over Odoo applications like sales, purchase, time sheet, production, invoice, etc.

Installation Of Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

First we want to enable the Analytic accounting feature.
In Odoo 13 we need to enable this Analytic accounts option in the admin panel. So go to:

Settings->Users & Companies->Users->

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Click the admin to open admin details.

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

In admin page we can see the Technical Settings. Enable the two options:
Analytic Accounting's and Show Full Accounting Features.

Then click the Save-> button to save the changes.

Now we need to create a new Analytic Account. So, go to the page :
Invoicing->Configuration->Analytic Accounts->

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

There are some analytic accounts that has been already created. To create a new one, Create->.

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

  • Name the new Analytic Account
  • Give a Reference
  • Select a specific customer to apply the Analytic Account
  • Group selection
  • Select the Company

Here the Customer and also Group is not selected.
After filling the form click Save-> button.
Now the Analytic Account is created then we need to create some accounting information's also.

Create one Expense for example:

Expenses->My Expenses->

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Click the Create-> button to create a expense report.

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Enter the details of the expense:

  • Description
  • Product
  • Quantity

We can see a Analytic Account option to select. Select the created Analytic Account.

Then Save-> and Create Report-> 

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Select Submit To Manager-> to submit the report to the manager.

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

If the report is submitted by employee, the admin can approve or refuse it.
In order to approve that report, click the Approve-> button.

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Post Journal Entries->
Now the journal is created.

Create Invoice

Then create a invoice in the Analytic account.

Odoo 13 Analytic Accounting

Then click the Create-> button to create a new invoice.


Enter the Invoice details, add the product and then enter the quantity. We can see an option to select the Analytic account. Select the created Analytic account and after that Post-> the Invoice.

Register the payment by clicking Register Payment-> button.

nvoicing_invoices_register payment

Validate-> the payment.

Now the invoice is created and also registered. Then go back to the Analytic Accounts menu.

invoicing_analytic accounts

Now we can see the created Analytic Account. Also it has debited 2000rs and credited 7500rs. Click to open the account.

 analytic account

Select the Cost/Revenue-> button to view analytic account details.

analytic account_details

Here we can see the details. The debit, credit and also the balance amount is showing in the details.

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