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Sales Coupon and Promotion in Odoo 13


IjasNov. 1, 2019

Odoo 13 Sales Coupon and Promotion Program

Sales Coupon and Promotion is add on to the Odoo 13 Community edition. In the previous versions sales coupon and sales promotion was the feature in the enterprise edition. By this we can integrate coupon mechanism in sale orders. There are two sub modules for Odoo 13 sales coupon: coupon and sale coupon delivery


Sale Coupon (sale_coupon)
This allows the user to use discount coupons in sales orders which will integrate coupon mechanism in sales orders

Sale Coupon Delivery (sale_coupon_delivery).
Sale Coupon Delivery allows the user to offer free shipping in coupon reward and also integrate coupon mechanism with shipping costs.

In this blog we will see how this module works in Odoo 13.

First install the two modules mentioned above (sale_coupon and sale_coupon_delivery)
Then goto: Sales -> Configuration -> Settings -> Enable Coupons and Promotions

Install Sales coupun and sales coupon delivery


We can see new two sub menus under the product



Coupon Programs

Let us check how coupon programs work.

Sales -> Products -> Coupon Programs

Coupon programs


This is the coupon form, from here we can create our own coupons based on our own conditions

Coupon form


Under the condition section we can set the coupon based on products, the user can customize the match rule by clicking on the Edit domain button where user can specify his own rule.

Coupon conditions


User can also set minimum quantity, minimum purchase amount, company under the condition section.


Under the reward section user can decide how this coupon can be rewarded to the customer. It can be in the form of discount, free product, or free shipping. And also user can set reward line product so the reward will be shown in the sale order line as the name specify on it.


Discount in sales coupon and purchase

Discount can be set in percentage or fixed amount. When the discount is set in percentage the user can set how the discount needed to be set, on order, on cheapest product or on specific product. And also user can set maximum amount of discount.

Let us look how discount works .
Discount on order:
After specifying all the conditions and other options click on Generate coupon button

Coupon generation


Then we will get a wizard like this,

Wizard image

From here user can decide the number of coupons needed to be generated.

After generating coupons click on the Coupons icon

Click on Coupon


Then select the coupon which you created and copy the Coupon code

Coupon copy

After that go back to your sale order and apply the coupon by clicking on the button Coupon

coupon order


Then paste the coupon code.

paste coupon code


Now we can see the discount is given to the order

coupon discount


Discount on Cheapest product:

cheapest product discount

Discount on Specific product:

Set the product on which you need to apply discount

specific product discount

discount on specific product

 Free Product

The next reward method is by free product, we can set the free product and its quantity.

free product


free product quantity


Free Shipping

After creating the coupon click on the Add shipping button

free shipping in sales coupo nd purchase in Odoo 13


Then set the shipping method and cost, and click the add button.

free shipping method select


Then apply the coupon

Apply free shipping coupon


Promotion Program

Promotion Program is also similar to the Coupon Program

Let us see how it works
Sales -> Products -> Promotion Programs

This is the Promotion Program form:

promotion program form in Sales coupon in Odoo 13


Under the conditions as we saw in the coupon program form here we will get little more options. Here we can set the match conditions both based on customers and products. We can set how the promo code needed to be applied automatically or by code.


promotion discount in Sales coupon in Odoo 13


Discount on promotion in Sales coupon in Odoo 13

Free Product

free product discount in Odoo 13 sales coupon


Free Shipping

discount on free shipping in Odoo 13 sales coupon

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