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Styles in E Commerce Shop with Odoo 13

E Commerce Shop

ajay krishnaApril 7, 2020

Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce Shop

In Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce shop,there is some features to modify the Style of shop for our likes.There is some standard options like Sorting,Grid or List etc.We can add that options into our shop by simply clicking on it.

Open the eCommerce Shop window in Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce shop


Styles in eCommerce Shop - Odoo 13

                   In the Shop window we can see a Customize option on the top menu.Click on that to see the features.



We have many options to customize the Shop in the Customize list.

       1.Customize Theme

We can customize our Shop’s  in Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce shop theme by clicking on it.

Can edit the Colors,Navbar,Layout and Fonts.


     2.HTML,CSS/JS Editor

By this feature the admin can edit the front end code by clicking on this option in Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce shop.

In this there is a option to select the programing language HTML,CSS,JS.


     3.Show # Found

By activating this feature,we can get the search result numbers.

As a result, If we want to trace the “iPhone”,search the iPhone item then we get the result like this.


The right side of the search box contain the search item number and found keyword (1 found).


    4.Add to Cart

We can see a Add to Cart logo on the bottom of the product only when we mouse over on that product in Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce shop


In this picture we can see that the Cart logo is shown on the bottom of the product.We can add this item to our cart by simply clicking on it.


5.Product Description

After that,If we click on that button then the product description will appear on the bottom of the product only when we mouse over on that product.

We can see the description about the product on this picture.

6.Grid or List Button

A new view button Grid/List will show on the screen wen we activate this feature.

A new view option is on the screen and if we click on the list view,the grid view changes to list.


7.List View (by default)

By activate this option then the view of the shop will appear on list by default.

  8.Product Attribute’s Filters

A new filter option will appear on the screen when we activate this feature.

 Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce Shop


The user can easily find the product by this filter.There is three filtering options are here Legs,Color and Duration.


9.Show Sort by

This is the option to sort the products under different conditions.We can activate this option by click on it.

 Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce Shop

In addition,  we can get a button to Sort the products.If we click on that product,four options are here to sort

Catalog Price:High to Low

Catalog Price:Low to High

Name:A to Z

Name:Z to A


10.E commerce Categories

By activating this feature,a new category list will appear on the left side of the screen.

 Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce Shop

Here the user can use the categories to find products under that category.

11.Track Visitor

This feature helps the admin to find the visitors of his website.The admin can see the visitors list. Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce Shop


Activate the option and go to


 Odoo 13 Styles in E Commerce Shop

The visitors page contains the visitors List,Last action,visited pages,Leads.

As a Best Odoo ERP Service Provider the company choose a standard of work procedures. Above all, Odoo 13  prove that set of standard.So the clients are happy with the service which offers.The proper scheduling  of work avoid the time loss.We recommend that. Most importantly, E Commerce Business needs a standard procedures which has a Best E Commerce Marketing  company background. Certainly, people are engaging in E Commerce platform and choose the products.So that the E Commerce shop should be with a definite re work .


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