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  • Integrated audio/video/text chat

  • Large file support

  • Auto upload images,videos

  • File extraction

  • Workspace

  • Real time notifications

  • Ransomware prevention/recovery

  • Brute force hacking protection

  • Enforceable 2-factor authentication

  • Client / server side encryption

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Everything go with you in a right platform...


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The installation and implementation of Technaureus Odoo Document Management System is easy. Irrespective of the type of organization whether large or small, the document management software will definitely fits for the organization. Because the features developed for the software is that much effective and will make anyone more happy.Here you go with an all in one solution for a project management.

Take your Phone and Dial!!


Top Document Management System

A software is said to be best, the quality of software should not have any compromises. The features offered by the software should be most fit for those who have the chances to be in that team. Here you go with those quality or the standard of software..Which include the contacts and mail, provision for calendar and meeting, multi-media and file support, multi-users and zero licenses, work flow and activity management, secure file exchange, providing intelligent reports, , option for transferring file ownership, possibility for getting forgotten and and lost file, feature of custom branding.....and the features that make the Technaureus document management software a number 1,is uncountable.

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