SangeerthanaNov. 22, 2024
One of the best ERP solutions currently available is Odoo, offering advanced translation tools. Its language translation feature lets you translate words, labels, and strings easily into your desired language. Thus you can easily convert text strings from one language to another without requiring any customization. You are also allowed to use different languages for different users and even translate entire website pages in multiple languages.
Let's proceed to translating languages in Odoo 17.
Translations are accessed under General Settings to view and manage languages in the Odoo 17 interface.
Settings > Translation > Language.
Within the Translation menu lies all the Odoo-supported languages. Clicking the 'Activate' button activates a language.
Then export translations.
Settings > Translation > Export.
We want to export the translation, so we need to include the languages we want to translate to. We can also specify the format of the file by checking the PO file type. It is also possible to indicate which module we want to export. Select the module you want to export and then go on to the 'Export' option.
Now open the downloaded PO file in an editor.
Here you can see all the terms used in the chosen application.
There are the two keywords: msgid and msgstr.
msgid - contains source text;
msgstr contains translated text you want to display;
translate msgstr and you will have a required translation.