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What is New in Django 5.0.6?


JyothisSept. 17, 2024

What is New in Django 5.0.6?

Django 5.0, the latest iteration of the beloved Python web framework, has arrived with a host of exciting features and enhancements. From improved flexibility in declaring field choices to streamlined form rendering, this update aims to elevate your development experience.
Let us see what are the new improvements in Django 5 that we all were waiting for.

Generated Field.

With the release of Django 5.0, a powerful new feature has been introduced: the ‘GeneratedField’. This field type allows developers to create fields in their models that are automatically computed by the database based on other fields in the model. This is particularly useful for situations where a field's value is derived from a combination of other fields, and it ensures that the value is always up-to-date without the need for manual updates.

There are two types of generated fields:

  1. Stored Generated Columns: These fields are computed when the data is written (inserted or updated) and occupy storage space in the database. They behave like regular columns but are automatically updated by the database.

  2. Virtual Generated Columns: These fields do not occupy storage space and are computed on-the-fly when the data is read. They function similarly to a database view and are ideal for cases where you want to avoid storing redundant data.

Let us see an example Now,


To view the outcome, add some data to the model and query the  object.

Default Fields

Django introduced the Field.db_default parameter, making it possible to have database-computed default values for model fields. This functionality enables you to specify default values that are database-computed. 

Facet Filters

The admin change list now offers a toggle to display facet counts for active filters, customizable through the ModelAdmin.show_facets attribute.

Async Client

Django 5.0 introduces additional asynchronous methods to both the Client and AsyncClient, enabling asynchronous testing of Django applications. This enhancement enables you to create tests that more faithfully replicate the asynchronous behavior of the application.


As you explore the exciting additions in Django 5.0.6, you'll discover new ways to optimize your applications and deliver exceptional results. By embracing these advancements, you can stay at the forefront of web development and create innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of your users.


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