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Anjali AjithMarch 25, 2020
Odoo 13 Product configurator helps the selection of the products from the variants in an easy way. Odoo 13 provides the product configuration option to use this feature.This actually helps saving time, in selecting the variants.
ajay krishnaMarch 23, 2020
A Byproduct is a secondary product derived from a production process, manufacturing process or chemical reaction. It is a unit that is obtain inadvertently during the process of manufacturing another product.
AdhithFeb. 25, 2020
Internationalization is also known as Globalization. I18N is the design and development of a product, application or document content.
Sahdiya MammoottyJan. 28, 2020
The procurement inventory control system begins with a customer's order. With this strategy, companies only make enough product to fulfill customer's orders.
Sahdiya MammoottyJan. 26, 2020
To manage Online Hiring Process in Odoo we have plugin recruitment module and online job from apps. Officers or managers can create and launch various job positions for recruitment.