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What is Debouncing in JavaScript?

what is debouncing in javascript

Sanal Kumar NJune 18, 2024

What is Debouncing?

Debouncing is a programming pattern commonly used in JavaScript to optimize the performance of web applications by limiting the rate at which a function can be executed. This technique is especially useful for handling events that fire repeatedly within a short period, such as window resizing, scrolling, keypresses, and other user interactions.

In JavaScript, we encounter similar use cases. For instance:

  • Search Suggestions: We want to show search suggestions only after a visitor has finished typing their query.

  • Form Auto-Save: We want to save changes in a form, but only when the user is not actively editing, as each “save” operation costs us a database trip.

  • Button Clicks: Some users are accustomed to double-clicking everything (Windows 95 nostalgia, perhaps? ).

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how debouncing works:

  1. Event Triggered: An event, such as a keystroke, triggers the function.

  2. Delay Timer Set: A timer is set for a specified delay period (e.g., 300 milliseconds).

  3. Reset Timer on New Event: If another event occurs before the delay period expires, the timer is reset.

  4. Execute Function: The function is only executed if the delay period passes without any new events.

Implementing Debouncing in JavaScript

Let's look at a practical implementation of debouncing in JavaScript:



In this implementation:

  • debounce is a higher-order function that takes two arguments: the func to debounce and the delay in milliseconds.

  • timeoutId is used to keep track of the timer.

  • The returned function clears the existing timer if it's still running and sets a new timer. If the delay period passes without a new event, the original function is executed.

Example Usage

Consider a scenario where you want to log the window size every time the user resizes the window, but only after they have stopped resizing for at least 500 milliseconds:


In this example:

  • logResize is the function to execute after the user stops resizing the window.

  • debouncedLogResize is the debounced version of logResize with a 500-millisecond delay.

  • debouncedLogResize is added as an event listener for the resize event on the window object.

Benefits of Debouncing

  1. Performance Improvement: Reduces the number of times a function is called, thereby saving resources and improving performance.

  2. Better User Experience: Prevents excessive and unnecessary function calls, resulting in smoother interactions.

  3. Reduced Server Load: In scenarios involving server requests, debouncing can significantly reduce the load on the server by limiting the number of requests.


Debouncing is a powerful technique in JavaScript that helps manage the frequency of function executions, particularly in response to user events. By ensuring that a function is only called after a certain period of inactivity, debouncing enhances performance, improves user experience, and reduces server load. Understanding and implementing debouncing can be crucial for optimizing modern web applications.


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